A Spirit Is Born Free
How To Start A Non Violent Revolution
Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love — Mahatma Gandhi
There is no final one; revolutions are infinite ― Yevgeny Zamyatin, We
First, let me say I agree. The world is a broken place and all of us are guilty, by our action, inaction or by our thoughts, of imprisoning our own free spirits. In an age where technology and our own parasitic relationship with our planet pose existential risks to our species, we are very busy imprisoning our minds within the narrow confines of race, religion, sex, caste and political identities. Remember, we are human first and we were all born with a free spirit. Why then should we restrict our world view to the narrowness of our mindset?
A lot of what I present in this story may seem counterintuitive because it is. However, what I show is just a different prism to see a revolution from. There are no rules dictating a free spirit just as there are no rules to build something anew. An unfettered mind is the foundation for an unseen future. So, I urge all my readers to first unshackle your mind while reading this story. I know some of you think the words “free spirit” is “hippiespeak”. However, that thought is…