Qubit By Qubit

An Introduction To Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

Abhishek Kothari
8 min readNov 13, 2018


Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash.com

Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you-Friedrich Nietzsche

Quantum physics upended classical physics. It is now upending the race to technological superiority. In a recent MIT Technology Review article, Mark Harris-the author wrote about Google enlisting NASA’s help for quantum supremacy. All superpowers today are competing at the edge of the technology frontier. That’s because the next battlefield is a technological one. It is also a bit like Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) because real strength lies at the intersection of many multidisciplinary technologies i.e. quantum physics and cryptography, gene editing and eugenics etc. While this article doesn’t attempt to explain the complete battlefield, it tries to simplify and break down one of the key technologies reshaping it- Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).

Quantum computing will upend the internet as we know it. The web, in its initial avatar i.e. Web 1.0 consisted of static pages. Web 2.0, powered by the telecom revolution (4G, LTE), resulted in rich dynamic web pages with multimedia content. Web 3.0 will create an Internet of Everything — a combination of the Internet of Value (where crypto…



Abhishek Kothari

Futurist@The Intersection of Finance, Tech & Humanity. Stories of a Global Language: “Money”. Contributor @ Startup Grind, HackerNoon, HBR